Friday, August 17, 2007

The Yay

Hi, this is just Sarah, writing to you from up in the Bay (or the Yay) Area. (Pam is also not in SB, but she is considerably further away - Maine.)

The pre-conference came and went. It was nice to see so many people I know and the research people presented was interesting and stimulated a lot of great discussions. I gave my talk, which I think went over pretty well. It is relatively complex data, so I'm still searching for how I can make it easier to understand in a 15 min talk.

The only bad part of the week has been the continued pain in my hip. :(

I don't really want to say more than that right now. I don't know how big a deal it is and how long I'll have to stay off it. I'm setting up a doctor's appointment for next week and I should know more then. Wish me luck.

Pam, I hope you're doing well. Eat a lobster for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just found your site and enjoy reading about your marathon training progress.

Sarah, hope your hip is getting better and the doc can help. PT usually gives great results.

Your blog is one of a few co-authored, which makes it interesting.

I co-author a site with Amy, my friend and running partner. We have fun, share some info, and stay connected with lots of blogging runners.

I'll look forward to following your progress to the marathon finish line.

Keep up your great running and posting!