Thursday, July 26, 2007

What we know . . .

There are a couple of things we know this week that we didn't know before:
  • There are way too many brands of gel-type energy supplements (but,
  • Gu is decidedly better than Power Gel (but, there isn't a difference after you've been running for a while and need some more energy)
  • The roller things (cylinders about 8 inches in diameter and 3 feet long) you use on your leg muscles are more painful that a deep tissue massage (but, they do actually work)
  • Running for 2 hours is hard (but, it feels great to have done it)
This week has not been as intense as last. Tuesday's workout was a little easier and this Saturday is only 1hr and 45mins. It is cool to remember back to some of our first long runs that were 45 and 50mins - we could barely imagine having to run for 1.5 or 2 hours. Now, running for 1.75 hours seems almost easy (almost).

We'll see if we are still saying that on Saturday at 8:45am (the run starts at 7).

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